Maiea te tipua
Maiea te tawhito
Maiea te kāhui o ngā ariki
Maiea tāwhiwhi ki ngā atua.
Oi ka takina te mauri
Ko te mauri i ahua noa ki runga
i te taiao i runga i te ao nui
I runga i a Ranginui!
I runga i a Papatūānuku!
I kake a Tāwhaki i te pakiaka
Ki te toi o ngā rangi
Ka riro mai ai ngā kete o te wānanga
Ko te kete tuauri
Ko te kete tuatea
Ko te kete aronui
Ka tiritiria ka poupoua
Ki Papatūānuku
Ka puta te ira tangata ki te wheiao ki te ao mārama!
Kia rongo i te hā o te whenua
Kia ora i te tai o te ao.
Tihēi mauriora!
Kanohi Ora invites you to share your whakaaro and mātauranga on the future of taonga protection.
Kanohi Ora is connecting with iwi Māori across Aotearoa to help shape Tiaki Taonga - a movement focused on creating Māori-led systems to protect our taonga. Join the movement on the
Tiaki Taonga website.
After 30+ years of advocating for a framework that affirms te tino rangatiratanga and mana motuhake, the Wai 262 Taumata Whakapūmau are driven by an unwavering commitment to protect and nurture taonga Māori, fostering the well-being of iwi Māori and all Aotearoans. By embracing the wisdom of tikanga Māori, we want to preserve the mauri of the original Wai 262 claim, restoring our intrinsic connection to our tūpuna, our taiao and our taonga.
“I would hope that as we develop the process of recognition and reconciliation, that we do so bearing in mind the sacrifice that those original Wai 262 claimants made and so that their hope for some advancement will come to pass.
Not in some diluted and Crown controlled idea of intellectual property; not in some way that restricts manaakitanga to the current ethos of copyright and so on, but in an imaginative way forward that preserves tino rangatiratanga as a sphere of influence over which Māori exercise control.“
- Moana Jackson,
19 July 2021, Wai 262 Digital Symposium
Built on the foundation of Wai 262, Tiaki Taonga is a growing movement empowering Māori to lead the care and protection of their taonga today.
The claimants vision and aspiration seeks to restore “te tino rangatiratanga o te Iwi Māori in respect of flora and fauna and all of our taonga.” Taonga being those things and values which we treasure, material, non-material, tangible and intangible.
Tēna koe, Tēnā koutou
Thank you for signing up to our e-panui for Wai 262 we look forward to keeping you connected to updates and helpful information as we continue the kōrero with community.
If you have any pātai please email
Contact Us
Mailing address:
Attn Walter Wells
5399 Far North Road,
Ngataki, RD4, Kaitaia 048
All Rights Reserved | Wai262
Curated by MEA | Website by AWA Digital